
29 Maggio 2021

Cristoforetti prima donna in Europa a guidare una stazione spaziale



Tax credit ai videogiochi se fanno cultura



Il Museo del Cinema riapre con una sala dedicata al CineVR 



Antonella d’Errico nominata executive vice president programming di Sky Italia



La battaglia dello streaming Usa: Warner e Discovery verso la fusione per sfidare Netflix e Disney



AT&T unisce WarnerMedia e Discovery per creare un nuovo gigante dell’entertainment

e dello streaming DTC



Fusione WarnerMedia (At&t)-Discovery. Nasce colosso media che punta sullo streaming

guidato da David Zaslav



Le registe del cinema italiano: autrici di opere prime, veterane e maestre. Ecco le donne più influenti della cinematografia contemporanea.  



Arriva Pride, la docuserie sulla storia e le conquiste del movimento Lgbt+



Why Diversity in TV and Film Sound Production Matters



Every New Network Show of Fall 2021. An updating list of everything that’s new and arriving on network TV later this year.



Amazon agrees $8.45bn deal to buy MGM



Women in Animation Launches Global Toon Talent Database

Women in Animation has launched WIA Talent Database, currently featuring more than 5,000 women, trans and non-binary candidates in the animation industry looking for work in the booming global toon biz. It’s another big step for the WIA in its 50/50 by 2025 goal.



Reese’s Book Club Launches Writers’ Fellowship LitUp for Underrepresented Women



“Just Go In and Do Your Thing”: Hollywood’s Most Powerful Women Talk Megadeals, Bullying and Perseverance at THR’s Executive Roundtable



Oscars 2021: the year that older women finally became visible to Hollywood



We Are Exhausted and We Are Angry’: 800 People Sign Letter Detailing Plight of Women and Call For Change in Noel Clarke Fallout



Diversity Of Film Casts “Skyrocketed” In 2020, UCLA Film Inclusion Report Finds





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